
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues and supports strategic litigation in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Danish Court Upholds Right To Challenge Government’s Racially Discriminatory “Ghetto” Package Eviction Plan

Denmark’s Eastern High Court has ruled in favor of residents who brought forward a legal challenge against a housing development plan to be carried out under the so-called Ghetto Package, a set of laws which target Muslims and other racialized groups of migrant descent for discrimination.

December 15, 2021
Press release

The Justice Initiative Supports French Youth in Complaint Against Wrongful Lockdown Fines

Over thirty teenagers and young adults from the French working-class district of Essonne are challenging penalties they received during the Spring 2020 coronavirus lockdown for violating a stay-at-home order, claiming that the fines are unlawful, inappropriate, and discriminatory.

December 09, 2021
Press release

EU Top Court Strikes Down Hungarian “Stop Soros” Law

The EU’s top court has found that a 2018 Hungarian law targeting independent civil society breaches EU norms.

November 16, 2021
Advocacy update

The Justice Initiative Releases New Recommendations for the Election of the ICC Prosecutor

Following the election of the third prosecutor in the history of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Justice Initiative, an active observer of the election process, has released a series of recommendations for future elections.

November 12, 2021
Press release

Danish Court to Consider “Ghetto Package” Eviction Plan While Government Forges Ahead with Expansion of Racially Discriminatory Laws

Denmark’s Eastern High Court began deliberations on a case filed by Copenhagen residents against the Danish Ministry of Interior and Housing. The complainants are challenging the Ministry’s approval of a development plan under the country’s nationwide so-called Ghetto Package.

November 03, 2021
Advocacy update

The Justice Initiative Welcomes New Vetting Measures for Top ICC Officials

As the International Criminal Court (ICC) continues its process for the selection of two deputy prosecutors, the Justice Initiative applauds new due diligence measures to ensure that candidates meet the “high moral character” requirement for this role as required by the Rome Statute.

October 29, 2021
Press release

Civil Society Groups Urge Egypt to Implement Decision from Africa’s Top Human Rights Body on Torture and Abusive Detention

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) and the Open Society Justice Initiative have sent a letter to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights to express grave concern about Egypt’s continued non-compliance with the Commission’s decision in El Sharkawi v. Arab Republic of Egypt.

October 20, 2021
Advocacy update

ECHR Fast-Tracks Case on Racial Profiling by Police in France

Over four years after Seydi and others v. France was filed before the European Court of Human Rights, the tribunal has designated this case on racial profiling by police as a priority for more expeditious processing by labelling it as a potential “impact” case (“affaire à impact”).

October 19, 2021
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