Justice Initiative lawyers have represented scores of individuals and groups before domestic and international human rights courts and tribunals around the world. These cases seek not only to vindicate individual claims, but to establish and strengthen the law’s protection for all.
Tenants of Mjølnerparken v. Danish Ministry of Transport and Housing
Twelve Copenhagen residents have filed a lawsuit against the Danish government seeking a declaration that measures under the country’s so-called Ghetto Package are unlawful under EU law and the European Convention on Human Rights.
HP v. Denmark
HP was tortured for years in Iran before fleeing the country and coming to Denmark. Yet for more than 15 years, he was denied the citizenship of his adopted country, where he has lived for decades.
Last update: December 01, 2009The Prosecutor v. Nahimana et al.
The Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) convicted the accused of incitement to commit genocide, but in so doing blurred the distinction between hate speech and international crimes.
Last update: November 28, 2007