Who we

The Justice Initiative is part of the Open Society Foundations, dedicated to pursuing and supporting legal work that advances the broader mission and values of Open Society. 

The Open Society Foundations established the Justice Initiative in 2003 to provide expert legal support for its broader mission and values through strategic human rights litigation and other legal work. 

Our lawyers have represented scores of individuals and groups before domestic and international courts and tribunals around the world. These cases seek not only to vindicate individual claims, but to set precedents to establish and strengthen the law’s protections. 

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Our mission

The Open Society Justice Initiative uses and supports litigation to promote and defend justice and human rights. We work with partners around the world to ensure that law—too often an instrument of powerful people alone—is shaped and employed for the benefit of all. 

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As part of the Open Society Foundations, our diverse and inclusive staff is passionate about cultivating a more democratic, equitable world.

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