How we work

Since 2003, the Open Society Justice Initiative has worked with partners around the world to ensure that law—too often an instrument of powerful people alone—is shaped and employed for the benefit of all.

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Litigating with a Global Perspective

In addition to defending individual claims, we've used cases to establish and strengthen the law's protection for everyone. By using decisions from one tribunal to argue a case in front of another, our goal is to replicate successes and share lessons across borders. We also submit third-party interventions in cases involving issues that lie within our expertise and provide expert advice and support to lawyers engaged in litigation and case-building within national court systems.

While we seek advances in jurisprudence, we understand that a single ruling from a court may not be sufficient to end deep-rooted injustices. Strategic litigation must be grounded in the struggles of local communities and linked to complementary efforts to bring about change.

Pushing for Change

Outside the courtroom, the Justice Initiative uses legal arguments and analysis to push governments and those who hold power toward positive, real-world change. We confront abuses and work for solutions, engaging with national governments and international and multilateral institutions to strengthen the rule of law and defend human rights.

Delivering the Promise of the Law

The Justice Initiative supports efforts at a local, national, and international level to expand access to justice to those whose inability to seek the law’s protection leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. We have partnered with groups and communities in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe to secure legal rights guaranteed to them by court rulings and existing law.

Learn more about our focus areas of law and advocacy

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