Justice Initiative lawyers have represented scores of individuals and groups before domestic and international human rights courts and tribunals around the world. These cases seek not only to vindicate individual claims, but to establish and strengthen the law’s protection for all.
Ana Matilda Gómez Ruiloba v. Panama
Ana Matilda Gómez filed a petition before the Inter-American Commission challenging her dismissal as attorney general of Panama in 2010 after carrying out an investigation against a prosecutor for allegedly accepting bribes.
Bueno v. Dominican Republic
This case is about statelessness in the Dominican Republic. It focuses on a Dominican man who was denied identity documents because he was of Haitian descent.
Last update: June 01, 2010Claude Reyes v. Chile
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is the first international tribunal to recognize a basic right of access to government information as an element of the right to freedom of expression.
Last update: April 20, 2009