Justice Initiative lawyers have represented scores of individuals and groups before domestic and international human rights courts and tribunals around the world. These cases seek not only to vindicate individual claims, but to establish and strengthen the law’s protection for all.
Alade v. the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Sikiru Alade spent almost a decade in pretrial detention. His case exposes a system in which police routinely charge suspects in order to have them detained, but make no effort to investigate or prosecute the case.
Last update: July 07, 2011The Prosecutor v. Nahimana et al.
The Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) convicted the accused of incitement to commit genocide, but in so doing blurred the distinction between hate speech and international crimes.
Last update: November 28, 2007Anyaele v. Taylor
A case challenging the asylum granted by Nigeria to former Liberian president Charles Taylor.
Last update: April 01, 2006