
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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89 news
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Advocacy update

Equality Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Adopts New Resolution on Police Profiling

The Open Society Justice Initiative applauds the adoption of a draft resolution by the Equality Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) calling on all European States to pass laws to ban ethnic profiling.

December 02, 2020
Advocacy update

Justice Initiative Expresses Concern over Trump Administration Proposal to Expand Biometric Surveillance on Immigrants, U.S. Citizens

The Justice Initiative is expressing concern over a Trump administration proposal to expand the use of invasive data collection in the U.S., which could lead continuous surveillance of immigrants and their families.

October 13, 2020
Press release

Residents Sue Denmark Over Discriminatory “Ghetto Package” Eviction Plan

Twelve Copenhagen residents have filed a lawsuit against the Danish government seeking a declaration that measures under the country’s so-called Ghetto Package are unlawful under EU law and the European Convention on Human Rights.

May 27, 2020
Advocacy update

Justice Initiative Calls for Immediate Action on Discriminatory COVID-19 Checks in France

The Open Society Justice Initiative has joined more than two dozen organizations in asking French authorities to adopt concrete measures to put an end to racist, discriminatory practices by French law enforcement officers during COVID-19.

May 13, 2020
Advocacy update

Amid COVID-19 Lockdown, Justice Initiative Calls for End to Excessive Police Checks in France

The Open Society Justice Initiative has called on the French government to ensure that police checks carried out during COVID-19 do not use excessive, violent, or discriminatory force.

March 27, 2020
Advocacy update

Kenyan Court Puts Hold on Digital Identity Scheme

A Kenyan court has ordered the government to stop implementation of its the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) until a constitutionally sound framework is in place.

January 31, 2020
Press release

A New Report Warns of Looming Threat to U.S. Citizenship, Calls for Moratorium on Denaturalizations

A new Open Society Justice Initiative report warns of a looming threat to U.S. citizenship due to the Trump administration’s effective renunciation of longstanding norms and constitutional protections.

September 17, 2019
Press release

One-Third of EU Countries Have National or Local Bans on Muslim Women’s Dress

A new survey details dress restrictions enacted by both local and national governments, and by businesses and other institutions across the European Union.

April 24, 2018
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