
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Survey Data Highlights Police Ethnic Bias in Spain

A new national survey released today in Madrid indicates that members of ethnic minorities in Spain are twice as likely to be stopped and checked by police than members of the majority population.

October 17, 2013
Press release

Council of Europe Parliamentarians Endorse Tshwane Principals

The Open Society Justice Initiative welcomes the endorsement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of the Global Principals on National Security and the Right to Information.

October 02, 2013
Press release

Dominican Republic Court Ruling Raises Mass Statelessness Threat

The Dominican Republic must ensure that none of its citizens is rendered stateless, after a court ruling that strips nationality from hundreds of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent.

October 02, 2013
Press release

French Court to Hear Unprecedented Challenge to Police Ethnic Profiling

Thirteen young French men of North or Sub-Saharan African origin say that they have been subject to identity checks based on what they look like, rather than something they did.

July 02, 2013
Press release

Italian Court Condemns Government's Roma Census as Discriminatory

An Italian court has found that govenment emergency actions targeting "nomads" constituted illegal discrimination against citizens of Roma origin.

July 02, 2013
Press release

UN Rapporteur Highlights “Pervasive Problem” of Ethnic Profiling by Police in Spain

A report to the UN Human Rights Council urges Spain to ensure that its laws specifically prohibit racial profiling.

June 21, 2013
Press release

France: Government Promises UN to End Ethnic Profiling

France should act on its promise to prohibit and prevent ethnic profiling and provide effective remedies to victims, the Open Society Justice Initiative and Human Rights Watch said today.

June 06, 2013
Press release

Spain’s Civil Rights Monitor Proposes Measures to Combat Police Ethnic Profiling

The Open Society Justice Initiative has welcomed a new initiative in Spain that aims to eliminate the ethnic and racial profiling of minorities in supposedly random identity checks.

May 10, 2013
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