
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Azimjan Askarov Takes His Torture and Unfair Trial in Kyrgyzstan to Human Rights Committee

The case of Azimjan Askarov, a 61-year old human rights defender, is a litmus test for the administration of justice in Kyrgyzstan.

November 13, 2012
Press release

Czech Roma Still Face “Educational Apartheid,” Despite Court Ruling Five Years Ago

The Open Society Foundations is urging the Czech government to end the institutionalized segregation of Roma children within its schools, five years after it was ordered to do so by the European Court of Human Rights.

November 12, 2012
Press release

Eight Groups Urge French Leaders to Honor Promise on Police Ethnic Profiling

The French government should respect President François Hollande’s election campaign commitment to fight against ethnic profiling and abusive practices during identity checks.

October 05, 2012
Press release

UN Calls for Action Against Statelessness Affecting Children

The Open Society Justice Initiative welcomed the UN decision, which reaffirms essential protections for the five million children around the world who have no citizenship anywhere.

July 05, 2012
Press release

European Court Strengthens Protections against Statelessness in Slovenia Ruling

The European Court of Human Rights has ordered Slovenia to compensate thousands of people who were “erased” from its list of permanent residents after Slovenia gained independence from Yugoslavia two decades ago.

June 26, 2012
Press release

Joint Statement: Italy Should Leave its anti-Roma Emergency Decree in the Past

Five international and Italian Human Rights groups are calling on the Italian government to abandon its effort to keep the 2008 "Nomad Emergency" decree alive.

May 11, 2012
Press release

French Police Ethnic Profiling Faces First Court Challenge

Thirteen young men have today launched a historic legal challenge to the systematic use by French police of discriminatory identity checks that disproportionately focus on people of African or Arab ethnicity.

April 05, 2012
Press release

Four Years after Court Ruling, Romani Children Still Face Czech Segregation

The Open Society Justice Initiative and the European Roma Rights Centre have called on the European Council to ramp up pressure to end segregation of Romani children in Czech schools.

November 14, 2011
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