
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Paris Court Accepts Appeal on French Police Ethnic Profiling Case

The Paris appeals court made a landmark decision in favor of five young men of Arab and African descent who were discriminated by the French police on the basis of racial and ethnic grounds.

June 24, 2015
Press release

Flawed Ruling in the Dominican Republic Threatens Human Rights Protections

A bid by the constitutional court of the Dominican Republic to repudiate the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights undermines legal protections for all.

November 08, 2014
Press release

Dominican Republic’s New Naturalization Law Falls Short

A new citizenship law in the Dominican Republic fails to fully remedy the consequences of a ruling by the country’s Constitutional Tribunal on the legal status of Dominicans of Haitian descent.

May 29, 2014
Press release

French Public Sees Ethnic Profiling in Police Stops

Almost two thirds of those interviewed in a new opinion survey believe the identity checks by French police and gendarmerie involve ethnic profiling.

May 08, 2014
Press release

Challenge to Racially Biased Police Stops Filed in Spain

A Spanish legal resident has filed a complaint before Spain’s Ministry of Interior alleging he was racially profiled by Spain’s National Police.

April 07, 2014
Press release

UK Must Heed Warnings over Statelessness Measure

A government proposal would allow British citizens to be made stateless, undermining an important principle of international law.

April 04, 2014
Press release

French Courts Reject Constitutional Challenge to Discriminatory Police Stops

The French courts have turned down a constitutional challenge to police stops that have led to young men of African and Arab origin being singled out just because of the way they look.

December 26, 2013
Press release

Survey Data Highlights Police Ethnic Bias in Spain

A new national survey released today in Madrid indicates that members of ethnic minorities in Spain are twice as likely to be stopped and checked by police than members of the majority population.

October 17, 2013
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