
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

UN Human Rights Committee Finds Discrimination in Racial Profiling

The UN Human Rights Committee became the first international tribunal to declare that police identity checks motivated by race or ethnicity run counter to the international human right to nondiscrimination, in a case filed by the Open Society...

September 10, 2009
Press release

New Data Reveals Paris Police Discriminate Against Minorities

Police officers in Paris consistently stop people on the basis of ethnicity and dress rather than on the basis of suspicious individual behavior, according to a report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

June 30, 2009
Press release

New Evidence Reveals Police in Europe Target Minorities Excessively

Pervasive use of ethnic and religious stereotypes by law enforcement across Europe is harming efforts to combat crime and terrorism, according to a report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

May 26, 2009
Press release

Rights Groups Press Czech Government on Roma Education

Despite changes in legislation and a landmark ruling from Europe's highest court, racial segregation of Roma children remains a fixture of education in the Czech Republic, said the Open Society Justice Initiative.

September 16, 2008
Press release

German Employment Case Focuses on Religious and Ethnic Discrimination

The Open Society Justice Initiative challenged religious and ethnic discrimination in a brief the organization filed in an employment case in Hamburg, Germany.

July 13, 2008
Press release

Open Society Justice Initiative Finds Racial Discrimination in Dutch Database

The Dutch government’s practice of gathering and processing sensitive racial and ethnic data infringes on the right to privacy and the right of freedom from racial and ethnic discrimination, according to a legal submission by the Open Society...

March 21, 2008
Press release

Justice Initiative Hails German Court Judgment on Religious Discrimination

The Open Society Justice Initiative welcomed the recent judgment from Germany's Hamburg Labor Court that a Christian organization which aids immigrants engaged in discrimination when it refused to hire a non-Christian.

February 11, 2008
Press release

Rights Groups Denounce Greek Prosecutor's Racist Statement

A statement made by Greece's top prosecutor suggesting that certain ethnic groups are involved in crime is racist and must be retracted, reports the Open Society Justice Initiative.

February 05, 2008
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