
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Advocacy update

Civil Society Organizations Criticize anti-CICIG statement from OAS Secretary General

Civil society groups express dismay over ‘misguided’ tweet from Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Office of American States, regarding the work of the Guatemala's UN-backed anticorruption commission.

April 12, 2019
Press release

Independent Panel Will Again Assess Candidates to the Inter-American Human Rights Commission

While member states fail to act, civil society groups are again backing an independent review of candidates for one of the world's most influential human rights bodies.

April 02, 2019
Press release

Open Society Justice Initiative Joins Calls to Protect Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Cutting U.S. funding would imperil a key international tool for upholding human rights, a coalition of civil society groups claims.

March 01, 2019
Press release

Guatemala Must Continue Its Commitment to Combat Corruption and Impunity

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales has violated his country’s agreement with the United Nations by preventing the head of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) from reentering the country.

September 04, 2018
Press release

Open Society Justice Initiative and Namati Launch Guide to Document Citizenship for Stateless People

A new guidebook, created through a partnership between the Open Society Foundations, Namati, and the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, seeks to help the 1.1 billion people who lack access to crucial identification documents.

June 26, 2018
Press release

Independent Expert Panel Assesses Candidates for 2018 Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The creation of an independent panel to review the selection process for the Inter-American human rights system is part of a continuing effort by civil society groups to promote transparency.

May 08, 2018
Press release

UN Human Rights Body Urged to Respond to Hungary’s Assault on NGOs

The Open Society Justice Initiative says Hungary’s campaign against independent civil society groups seeks to “stifle and eliminate critical voices.”

February 12, 2018
Press release

International Rights Groups Urge Mexico’s President to Veto Flawed Security Law

A proposed new security law in Mexico will regularize the role of the armed forces in domestic law enforcement with no significant civilian oversight.

December 18, 2017
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