Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: How Pretrial Detention Stunts Socioeconomic Development

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Fact Sheet: How Pretrial Detention Stunts Socioeconomic Development (English) 214.25 Kb, PDF Download
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Collateral Consequences: How Pretrial Detention Stunts Socioeconomic Development (French) Download this brief in French. 107.88 Kb, PDF Download
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Consecuencias colaterales: por qué la prisión preventiva obstaculiza el desarrollo socioeconómico Descargue la hoja informativa. 133.17 Kb, PDF Download
February 2013

Pretrial detention disproportionately affects individuals and families living in poverty: they are more likely to come into conflict with the criminal justice system, more likely to be detained awaiting trial, and less able to make bail or pay bribes for their release. For individuals, the excessive use of pretrial detention means lost income and reduced employment opportunities; for their families, it means economic hardship and reduced educational outcomes; and for the state, it means increased costs, reduced revenue, and fewer resources for social service programs.


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