
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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26 Publications
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Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Pretrial Detention and Corruption

Locking up prisoners for extended periods while awaiting trial feeds corruption; bribes are needed for food and water, for blankets and even to see a lawyer.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: Factsheet PTD Corruption 02142013.pdf
Fact Sheet

Timeline: The Khaled El-Masri Case

A summary of the main events in a nine year search for justice by Khaled El-Masri, the victim of a mistaken CIA counterterrorism operation.

December, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: timeline-khaledelmasri-20140411.pdf
Fact Sheet

El-Masri and CIA 'Capture Shock'

Violence used in the extraordinary rendition of Khaled El-Masri followed guidelines developed by the CIA for intimidating suspects before interrogation.

December 11, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: factsheet-captureshock-20121112_0.pdf
Fact Sheet

Investigations into CIA Renditions

A summary of inquiries into human rights abuses linked to the CIA’s program of “extraordinary renditions” of terrorism suspects, launched after September 11, 2001.

November 2013
First page of PDF with filename: briefing-cia-investigations-roundup_0.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: Abusing UNESCO

This 10-page briefing paper looks at the threat posed by President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea to the reputation and standing of the UN's educational, scientific and cultural organization.

February 2012
First page of PDF with filename: obiang-unesco-20120222.pdf
Fact Sheet

The Problem of Ethnic Profiling in Europe

This fact sheet explains the problem of ethnic profiling in Europe, and shows that the practice is wasteful as well as ineffective in fighting and preventing crime.

May 2011
First page of PDF with filename: ethnic-profiling-europe-20110505.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: The UNESCO-Obiang Prize, Corruption, and Abuse in Equatorial Guinea

This Open Society Justice Initiative briefing paper provides background on the UNESCO-Obiang Prize and problems with corruption and abuse in Equatorial Guinea.

September 2010
First page of PDF with filename: obiang-prize-issue-brief-20100927.pdf
Briefing Paper

Corruption and Its Consequences In Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is one of the world's wealthiest nations, yet the country's citizens live in desperate poverty. This OSI paper raises the question: if money from the sale of natural resources isn't benefiting its citizens, where is it going?

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: equatorial-guinea-20100317.pdf
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