
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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79 Publications
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Implementing Human Rights Decisions: Reflections, Successes, and New Directions

This publication takes stock of the growth and change in the field of human rights implementation, and how to ensure legal decisions can be realized.

July 2021
First page of PDF with filename: implementing-human-rights-decisions-20210721.pdf

Legal Remedies for Grand Corruption

This collection of essays explores how civil society groups have been taking innovative legal approaches to hold to account those responsible for high-level corruption, and looks at possible new strategies for the future.

June 07, 2019
First page of PDF with filename: publication-legal-remedies-grand-corruption-20190607.pdf

A Community-Based Practitioner’s Guide: Documenting Citizenship and Other Forms of Legal Identity

This guide provides instructions on how to establish a community-based paralegal program to help people document citizenship and other forms of legal identity.

June 2018
First page of PDF with filename: a-community-based-practitioners-guide-documenting-citizenship-and-other-forms-of-legal-identity-20180627.pdf

Corruption that Kills: Why Mexico Needs an International Mechanism to Combat Impunity

This report argues Mexico needs an international response to investigate and prosecute atrocity crimes.

May 2018
First page of PDF with filename: corruption-that-kills-en-20180502.pdf

France’s Biens Mal Acquis Affair: Lessons from a Decade of Legal Struggle

Teodorin Obiang, vice president of Equatorial Guinea, is facing trial in Paris on money laundering and corruption charges—due almost entirely to a 10-year legal campaign by French anti-corruption groups.

May 2017
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-11-perdriel-20170612.pdf

Understanding National Progress: A Cross Regional Exchange on Access to Justice

A summary a meeting organized by the Open Society Justice Initiative in Washington, D.C., in October 2016, which focused on developing effective measurements for access to justice.

April 2017
First page of PDF with filename: a2j-workshop-20170404.pdf

South Africa: Public Trust Theory as the Basis for Resource Corruption Litigation

South Africa’s 1994 Constitution has led to statutes that incorporate the doctrine of public trust into environmental and natural resources law—strengthening potential legal remedies for challenging corruption.

August 2016
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-6-schyff-20160802.pdf

Legal Remedies for Victims of Bribery under United States Law

The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has enabled "follow on" claims from foreign governments and others who suffer losses as a result of corrupt dealings. But many questions about the status of such claims remain open.

June 2016
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-5-messick-20160601_0.pdf
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