
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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83 Publications
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Corporate War Crimes: Prosecuting the Pillage of Natural Resources

Reviving corporate liability for pillaging natural resources is not simply about protecting property rights during conflict—it can also play a significant role in preventing atrocity.

September 2011 | James G. Stewart
First page of PDF with filename: pillage-manual-2nd-edition-2011.pdf

Community-Based Paralegals: A Practitioner’s Guide

This how-to guide provides information on all aspects of establishing and operating a community-based paralegal program, from assessing a community’s needs to training paralegals and resolving justice problems.

December 2010
First page of PDF with filename: OSJI-Paralegal-Manual-US-11-05-2014.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: The UNESCO-Obiang Prize, Corruption, and Abuse in Equatorial Guinea

This Open Society Justice Initiative briefing paper provides background on the UNESCO-Obiang Prize and problems with corruption and abuse in Equatorial Guinea.

September 2010
First page of PDF with filename: obiang-prize-issue-brief-20100927.pdf

Effective Criminal Defence in Europe

This report summarizes the findings of a research project that explores and compares access to effective defense in criminal proceedings across nine European jurisdictions.

June 2010 | Ed Cape, Roger Smith, and Taru Spronken
First page of PDF with filename: criminal-defence-europe-summary.pdf

Criminal Force: Torture, Abuse, and Extrajudicial Killings by the Nigeria Police Force

Police in Nigeria commit extrajudicial violence and extortion with relative impunity, according to this report by the Open Society Justice Initiative and the Network on Police Reform in Nigeria.

May 2010
First page of PDF with filename: criminal-force-20100519.pdf

Between Law and Society: Paralegals and the Provision of Primary Justice Services in Sierra Leone

This paper focuses on Timap for Justice, a pioneering organization expanding access to legal services in rural areas of Sierra Leone. This updated edition includes a new foreword by George Soros.

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: between-law-and-society-20100310.pdf
Briefing Paper

Corruption and Its Consequences In Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is one of the world's wealthiest nations, yet the country's citizens live in desperate poverty. This OSI paper raises the question: if money from the sale of natural resources isn't benefiting its citizens, where is it going?

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: equatorial-guinea-20100317.pdf

Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia continues to face pressing challenges that require immediate and ongoing attention, said a report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

August 2009
First page of PDF with filename: eccc_20090817.pdf
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