
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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Fact Sheet

The Tshwane Principles on National Security and the Right to Information: An Overview in 15 Points

A 15-point summary of the Tshwane Principles, which address the question of how to ensure public access to government information without jeopardizing legitimate efforts to combat national security threats.

June 2013
First page of PDF with filename: tshwane-principles-15-points-09182013.pdf

The Global Principles on National Security and the Right to Information (The Tshwane Principles)

The Tshwane Principles offer global standards on how to ensure the fullest possible public access to information, while protecting legitimate national security concerns.

June 12, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: global-principles-national-security-10232013.pdf

Arguments: Corruption as a Threat to the Rule of Law

Erica Razook, of the Open Society Justice Initiative, told the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) that large-scale money-laundering is a threat to human rights and the rule of law.

March 2013 | Erica Razook
First page of PDF with filename: razook-pace-corruption-testimony.pdf
Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Pretrial Detention and the Risk of Torture

Of the nearly ten million people in detention around the world, those held before trial or conviction are most at risk of torture.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: pretrial-detention-and-torture-20130220.pdf
Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Pretrial Detention and Corruption

Locking up prisoners for extended periods while awaiting trial feeds corruption; bribes are needed for food and water, for blankets and even to see a lawyer.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: Factsheet PTD Corruption 02142013.pdf

Corporate War Crimes: Prosecuting the Pillage of Natural Resources

Reviving corporate liability for pillaging natural resources is not simply about protecting property rights during conflict—it can also play a significant role in preventing atrocity.

September 2011 | James G. Stewart
First page of PDF with filename: pillage-manual-2nd-edition-2011.pdf
Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Children’s Right to a Nationality

This fact sheet explains the causes and consequences of statelessness for children around the world.

June 2011
First page of PDF with filename: children-nationality-20110624.pdf

Without Citizenship: Statelessness, Discrimination, and Repression in Kuwait

This report looks at the bidoon in Kuwait, a large population of stateless persons in the small emirate, with particular focus on discrimination in access to, and withdrawal of, nationality.

May 2011
First page of PDF with filename: without-citizenship-20110512.pdf
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