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84 Publications
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France’s Biens Mal Acquis Affair: Lessons from a Decade of Legal Struggle

Teodorin Obiang, vice president of Equatorial Guinea, is facing trial in Paris on money laundering and corruption charges—due almost entirely to a 10-year legal campaign by French anti-corruption groups.

May 2017
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-11-perdriel-20170612.pdf

Eroding Trust: The UK’s Prevent Counter-Extremism Strategy in Health and Education

Since 2015, the UK’s counter-extremism strategy has imposed a statutory duty on health and education professionals to report individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

October 2016
First page of PDF with filename: eroding-trust-20161017_0.pdf

South Africa: Public Trust Theory as the Basis for Resource Corruption Litigation

South Africa’s 1994 Constitution has led to statutes that incorporate the doctrine of public trust into environmental and natural resources law—strengthening potential legal remedies for challenging corruption.

August 2016
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-6-schyff-20160802.pdf

Legal Remedies for Victims of Bribery under United States Law

The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has enabled "follow on" claims from foreign governments and others who suffer losses as a result of corrupt dealings. But many questions about the status of such claims remain open.

June 2016
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-5-messick-20160601_0.pdf

Undeniable Atrocities: Confronting Crimes against Humanity in Mexico

This report argues there is a “reasonable basis” to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed against civilians in Mexico over the past decade.

June 2016
First page of PDF with filename: undenialble-atrocities-2nd-edition-20160808.pdf

Private Prosecutions: A Potential Anticorruption Tool in English Law

Private prosecution may offer opportunities in combating corruption, when the criminal actor is part of the state, and state actors may be reluctant to act.

May 2016
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-4-edmonds-jugnarain-20160505.pdf

Lessons from Qui Tam Litigation in the United States

Private whistleblower legal complaints, or qui tam actions, have been successful in the United States, but it is a challenging model to emulate.

April 2016 | David Kwok
First page of PDF with filename: legal-remedies-3-kwok-20160413.pdf

Against the Odds: CICIG in Guatemala

The UN-backed International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala offers a potentially powerful example of how to reinforce the rule of law in states beset by corruption and violence.

March 2016
First page of PDF with filename: against-odds-cicig-guatemala-20160321.pdf
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