

Torture’s Hidden Victims

Millions of ordinary people accused of petty crimes comprise the majority of the world's pretrial detainees—and in many countries they are routinely and systematically subjected to torture.

June 23, 2010 | Kersty McCourt

Accountability for Torture: Europe vs. United States

While the United States may not want to acknowledge how it tore Khaled El-Masri's life apart, European pressure may well compel the U.S. to finally come clean.

June 14, 2010 | Amrit Singh

The Salt Pit

"You are in a country with no laws," rendition victim Khaled El-Masri was told by his U.S. captors in the Kabul prison known as the Salt Pit.

June 14, 2010 | Darian Pavli

International Criminal Court's Daunting Challenges

Support for the International Criminal Court by its member states falls short of what is required to enable the court to have a wider impact in promoting international justice and helping to end impunity, according to court experts.

June 08, 2010 | Wairagala Wakabi

Kafka in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic harshly penalizes its citizens of Haitian descent because they do not have identity cards--documentation which the government (in violation of international law) refuses to issue to them.

June 02, 2010 | Liliana Gamboa

International Criminal Court: Only as Strong as Its Member States

Although 111 countries have ratified the statute establishing the International Criminal Court, many have consistently failed to cooperate with the court's operations or to effectively support its work.

June 01, 2010 | James Goldston

The International Criminal Court Gets a Performance Review

The International Criminal Court is the sole independent permanent court with the mandate to try genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. But critics say that for its €100 million annual budget, the ICC needs to have more to show.

May 31, 2010 | Wairagala Wakabi

UNESCO Must Get Out of the Reputation-Laundering Business

The hypocrisy of an award recognizing scientists whose work has improved the "quality of life" being named after the leader of one of the worst-governed nations on earth is galling.

May 27, 2010 | Erica Razook

Stopping Police Violence and Abuse in Nigeria

Stanley Ibe of the Open Society Justice Initiative discusses the shocking, widespread levels of torture, rape, and murder at the hands of police in Nigeria, and what can be done about it.

May 25, 2010 | Rachel Aicher

Equatorial Guinea: No Room for Rights?

It's a shame that Equatoguineans had to go to Switzerland just to have a chance to address their own government. But the inclusion of their voices is a small but critical step towards achieving accountability, rule of law, and the protection of...

March 21, 2010 | Erica Razook

The International Criminal Court: Justice and Politics

Much unease about the International Criminal Court boils down to one issue: how should its prosecutor decide, among thousands of crimes and perpetrators within his jurisdiction, which ones to charge?

January 19, 2010 | James Goldston

A Promising, If Tenuous, Start

Khmer Rouge leader Duch's trial Is the first step on the road to national recovery for Cambodia. However, political interference threatens to jeopardize the tribunal’s mission.

December 06, 2009 | James Goldston

Doing a Disservice to Ethnic Minorities

European minority groups still suffer widespread discrimination, justifying the need for safeguards to their rights, argues OSI executive director James Goldston.

November 04, 2009 | James Goldston

The Gambia’s Bloodcurdling Threat

President Yahya Jammeh of the Gambia has warned human rights workers in his country that he will kill them. It's up to the rest of Africa to get tough with him.

September 30, 2009 | Chidi Odinkalu

ICC Must Consider the Security of War Victims

The International Criminal Court's resources must be improved to focus more on winning back the trust of victims, particularly in Africa, through better outreach and effective protection.

September 06, 2009 | Chidi Odinkalu

Commission Must Be Tough on Italy

Italy's breaches of fundamental human rights in its immigration policy must no longer be tolerated, argues OSI director James A. Goldston.

July 29, 2009 | James Goldston

Barack Obama's Visit to Africa and the International Criminal Court Prosecution of Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan

Amid much controversy over the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Sudan president Omar Al-Bashir, the United States can play a leading role in clarifying the situation.

July 06, 2009 | James Goldston

What’s Wrong with Ethnic Profiling?

Ethnic profiling is illegal in Europe. It is ineffective in apprehending criminals. It is counterproductive in the campaign against terrorism. But police officers across Europe continue to use it.

June 23, 2009 | James Goldston

Statelessness: What It Is and Why It Matters

An overview of the legal definition of statelessness, its manifestations, and the international frameworks under which it can be reduced.

March 31, 2009 | Indira Goris & Julia Harrington Reddy & Sebastian Kohn

World Justice on Trial

Five years after the world's first permanent criminal tribunal commenced operations, the International Criminal Court has made its mark. The ICC has opened four active investigations, issued public charges against 12 people, and to date secured...

January 20, 2009 | James Goldston
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