
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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Fact Sheet

Justice 2015: How Justice Impacts Development

Justice is recognized by scholars, practitioners, and governments as having a positive effect on development. This fact sheet outlines how support for justice has aided progress on the current Millennium Development Goals.

March 2013
First page of PDF with filename: fact-sheet-justice-impacts-development-2015-20130319.pdf
Fact Sheet

Justice 2015: Justice Plays a Fundamental Role in Eliminating Poverty

Justice is out of reach for too many people, taking a toll on development. This fact sheet makes the case for including a justice goal in the post-2015 development agenda.

March 2013
First page of PDF with filename: fact-sheet-justice-2015-21030319.pdf

Reducing Ethnic Profiling in the European Union: A Handbook of Good Practices

The nearly 100 case studies gathered in this handbook show that efforts to address ethnic profiling can reduce discrimination, and enhance the overall quality and efficiency of law enforcement.

March 06, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: reducing-ep-in-EU-12172012_0.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing: Survivors of Sexual Attacks in Kenya Seek Justice for Post-Election Violence

A petition before the High Court of Kenya seeks to compel the government to address sexual and gender based violence that occurred during the 2007/2008 post-election period.

February 20, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: sgbv-kenya-20130219.pdf
Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Pretrial Detention and the Risk of Torture

Of the nearly ten million people in detention around the world, those held before trial or conviction are most at risk of torture.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: pretrial-detention-and-torture-20130220.pdf
Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Pretrial Justice and Paralegals in Sierra Leone

The majority of Sierra Leone's prison population is in pretrial detention. To reduce the numbers, a local NGO is piloting a prorgam that provides early legal assistance to criminal defendants.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: Factsheet PTD Sierra Leone 02142013.pdf
Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Pretrial Detention and Corruption

Locking up prisoners for extended periods while awaiting trial feeds corruption; bribes are needed for food and water, for blankets and even to see a lawyer.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: Factsheet PTD Corruption 02142013.pdf
Briefing Paper

Submission to the UN on Ethnic Profiling in Spain

This submission details the extent and impact of ethnic profiling on minorities in Spain, and how these practices violate international human rights standards.

January 2013
First page of PDF with filename: submission-spain-ethnic-profiling-20130128_0.pdf
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