The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues and supports strategic litigation in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.
Central Asian Lawyers Trained to Fight Torture by the Open Society Justice Initiative
To address the widespread problem of authorities extracting confessions through torture in central Asia, the Open Society Justice Initiative is convening a seminar for lawyers in the region.
July 20, 2007New Legal Aid Law Adopted in Georgia
A new legal aid law adopted in Georgia introduces a full-fledged model of public defenders as legal aid providers, a development praised by the Open Society Justice Initiative.
June 26, 2007Football Brings Georgian Prosecutors Closer to Community
A football tournament—part of a community prosecution project undertaken jointly by the Open Society Justice Initiative and the Office of the Prosecutor-General of Georgia—demonstrated how law enforcement and prosecutors can foster better...
May 29, 2007Draft Legal Aid Law Unveiled in Kyrgyzstan
The administration of the president of Kyrgyzstan today officially presented a new draft law on legal aid, with input from the Open Society Justice Initiative.
May 15, 2007Urgent Action Needed on Rules for Khmer Rouge Tribunal
In an open letter to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, the Open Society Justice Initiative and other civil society group urge the court to adopt internal rules of procedure that satisfy international standards for the holding...
March 05, 2007Freedom of Information Bill Advances in Nigeria
In an effort to guarantee Nigerian citizens the right to access government-held information, the Open Society Justice Initiative hailed the Nigerian parliament's final approval of a harmonized freedom of information bill and called on President...
February 22, 2007Second Public Defender Office Launched in Ukraine
Ukraine's second pilot public defender office was launched last week in Bila Tsirkva, an initiative that is part of a project on legal aid reform in Ukraine operated by the Open Society Justice Initiative and the International Renaissance Foundation.
February 21, 2007Corruption Allegations at Khmer Rouge Court Must Be Investigated Thoroughly
Corruption allegations leveled at Cambodian judges and court officials at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia must be investigated thoroughly, writes the Open Society Justice Initiative.
February 14, 2007