
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Justice Initiative Hails Adoption of Rules for Khmer Rouge Trials

The quest for justice in Cambodia advanced significantly when judges for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia announced their agreement on internal rules to govern the court's operations, the Open Society Justice Initiative said today.

June 13, 2006
Press release

Ukraine President Approves Concept Paper for Improving Legal Aid

Ukraine President Viktor Yuschenko approved the Concept Paper on Reforming the Legal Aid System in Ukraine, taking an important step in the nation's process of improving access to justice, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative.

June 13, 2006
Press release

Groundbreaking Study Finds Massive Ethnic Profiling

Riders on the Moscow Metro who appear non-Slavic are over twenty times more likely to be stopped by police than those who look Slavic, according to Ethnic Profiling in the Moscow Metro, a new report produced by the Open Society Justice Initiative...

June 09, 2006
Press release

Announcement of Judges is Major Advance for Khmer Rouge Tribunal, but Unmet Needs Remain

The appointment of judges and prosecutors to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia is a major step toward establishing the court that will try the architects of Cambodia's killing fields, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative.

May 04, 2006
Press release

Roma Children Pursue Final Appeal in Landmark School Segregation Case

Eighteen Romani children forced to attend segregated schools in the Czech Republic filed their final appeal in a landmark case before the European Court of Human Rights, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative.

May 04, 2006
Press release

Security Council Must Address Costs of Moving Taylor Trial to The Hague

If the war crimes trial of Charles Taylor is moved from Sierra Leone to the Hague, the international community must shoulder the increased financial costs and address the likely negative impacts for Taylor's victims, warns the Open Society Justice...

April 04, 2006
Press release

Justice Initiative and Four Other Groups Join Landmark Access to Information Case

The Open Society Justice Initiative and four other rights organizations filed a brief with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which seeks to establish that the American Convention on Human Rights guarantees a right of access to information...

March 30, 2006
Press release

Human Rights Organizations Call for Dissemination of East Timor Report

An open letter to Kofi Annan cosigned by 12 human rights groups, including The Open Society Justice Initiative, expresses concern that that the report of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste has not yet been...

March 24, 2006
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