The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues and supports strategic litigation in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.
Open Society Justice Initiative Intervenes in Armenian Freedom of Information Suit
Granted leave to intervene in a freedom of information case against Armenia by the European Court of Human Rights, the Open Society submitted a brief to the court arguing that the existence of a right to information is well established in European...
October 17, 2006International Tribunal Makes Landmark Ruling on Access to Information
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights broke new ground in declaring that all people have a general right of access to government-held information, reports the Open Society Justice Initiative.
October 12, 2006New Study on Access to Information Finds Young Democracies Outperform Established Ones
An Open Society Justice Initiative survey of access to information shows that discrimination and inconsistency are still widespread.
September 28, 2006Groundbreaking Lawsuit Challenges Racial Profiling by Police
In the first-ever legal challenge to racial profiling filed with an international human rights tribunal, a coalition of advocacy groups including OSI submitted an application to the UN Human Rights Committee, seeking to halt racial profiling by police.
September 12, 2006Ta Mok's Death Underscores Need for Prompt Khmer Rouge Trials
The death last Friday of Ta Mok, the notorious butcher of Cambodia's killing fields, highlights the urgency of effective prosecutions by the war crimes court which launched operations this month in Phnom Penh, reports the Open Society Justice Initiative.
July 24, 2006Open Society Justice Initiative Condemns Human Rights Crackdown in Nigeria
A police crackdown on a meeting of human rights activists in Nigeria and the threatened arrest of meeting organizers was condemned by the Open Society Justice Initiative.
July 13, 2006Open Society Justice Initiative Condemns Roma Evictions
The forced eviction and destruction of homes belonging to more than 200 Roma was condemned by the Open Society Justice Initiative, who are pursuing an application with the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of several of the families.
July 06, 2006Open Society Justice Initiative Calls for a Fair Trial in Kyrgyzstan
The Open Society Justice Initiative demands a fair trial for Zulkhumor Tokhtanozarova, who is being held on charges of theft which she is believed to have confessed to under torture.
June 30, 2006