Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative.
Monitoring Atrocity Crimes Trials: A Guide
This guide provides guidance on observing and reporting on international criminal trials, including guidance on what to monitor, how to convey important information, and how to reach key audiences.
March 2020Universal Jurisdiction Law and Practice in Norway
The principle of universal jurisdiction allows national courts to investigate and prosecute international crimes committed on foreign territory by foreign nationals. This briefing paper provides an overview of Norway's legal framework on universal jurisdiction and was produced in partnership with TRIAL International.
January 2020Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia: January, 2020
A ten-year deadlock over efforts to prosecute former Khmer Rouge senior officials for atrocity crimes is entering its final stages, after the ECCC pre-trial chamber split on whether to proceed with the trial of Ao An.
January, 2020Principles and Guidelines on Protest and the Right to Information
These guidelines were drafted by the Justice Initiative and the Northern Ireland-based Committee on the Administration of Justice, in consultation with civil society groups, police professionals, and other experts, including from the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
December 2019The Case of Khaled el-Masri v. FYRO Macedonia
An update on the implementation of the European Court of Human Rights ruling in the case of Khaled el-Masri, a Germany national who was seized and detained in 2004 i in what was then the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and handed over to the CIA and rendered to Afghanistan.
November 26, 2019The Use of EU Law to Protect Civic Space
This briefing paper examines how European Union law can be used to protect the fundamental rights of independent civil society groups, in the face of government encroachment.
November 12, 2019Regulating Police Stop and Search: An Evaluation of the Northamptonshire Police: Reasonable Grounds Panel—Fact Sheet
This fact sheet outlines how unique initiative between police and community members in Northamptonshire, UK has resulted in a more lawful and effective use of stop and search.
November 2019Regulating Police Stop and Search: An Evaluation of the Northamptonshire Police Reasonable Grounds Panel
This report outlines how a unique initiative between police and community members in Northamptonshire, UK has resulted in a more lawful and effective use of stop and search.
November 2019